Fly Fishing

Find out everything about fly fishing-from basics to the most advanced techniques-with Fly Fishing app! If youre a beginner youll find out the most basic fly fishing techniques, and if youre a seasoned fly fisherman youll discover all the special tricks and tactics that will help you catch bigger fish! -More than 250 videos of experienced fly fishermen fishing on mountain and salmonid streams, rivers and lakes! -Tips for catching trout Brown Trout and Lake Trout! -Learn how to catch Chinook King Salmon, Chum Keta Salmon and Coho Silver Salmon! -Best way to catch Pink Humpies Salmon, and Sockeye Red Salmon! -Fly fishing tips for catching Steelhead and Bass! -Learn fly casting techniques: Roll, False, Overhand and Double Haul! -Best fly fishing equipment: reviews of fly fishing rods, reels and flies! -All types of flies and tips when and how to use them: Wet flies, Dry flies and Nymphs! - Find out when and how to use Emergers, Streamers, Foam flies and Buzzers! -Advice for using different kinds of fly fishing lines: floating, sinking and more! -Top fly fishing destinations: Kenai River (Alaska), The River Tay (UK), River Tweed (Scotland), The Gaula River (Norway), Rakaia River and Waimakariri River (New Zealand) Fly fishing is an angling method in which an artificial 'fly' is used to catch fish. The fly is cast using a fly rod, reel, and specialized weighted line. Casting a nearly weightless fly or lure requires casting techniques significantly different from other forms of casting. Fly fishermen use hand tied flies that resemble natural invertebrates or other food organisms, or lures to provoke the fish to strike. Fly fishing can be done in fresh or salt water. North Americans usually distinguish freshwater fishing between cold-water species and warm-water species. In Britain, where natural water temperatures vary less, the distinction is between game fishing for trout or salmon and coarse fishing for other species. Techniques for fly fishing also differ with habitat (lakes and ponds, small streams, large rivers, bays and estuaries and open ocean.) Fly fishing is most renowned as a method for catching trout and salmon, but it is also used for a wide variety of species including pike, bass and carp, as well as marine species, such as tarpon, bonefish and striped bass. Many fly anglers catch unintended species such as chub, bream and rudd while fishing for 'main target' species such as trout. A growing population of anglers attempts to catch as many different species as possible with the fly. With the advancement of technology and development of stronger rods and reels, larger predatory saltwater species such as tuna, marlin and sharks have become target species on fly. Realistically any fish can be targeted and captured on fly as long as the main food source is effectively replicated by the fly itself and suitable fly fishing gear is used. Unlike other casting methods, fly fishing can be thought of as a method of casting line rather than lure. By design, a fly is too light to be cast, and thus simply follows the unfurling of a properly cast fly line, which is heavier and tapered and therefore more castable than lines used in other types of fishing. NOTE: 90% of the videos will work perfectly on all devices, but 10% of the videos might not work properly on all devices!

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