Makeup for Brown Eyes

Summary: If you're a natural beauty with hazel eyes, bear in mind you can get even more beautiful by applying the adequate makeup for your gorgeous eyes!

Updated: Sep 26, 2012
Found in: natural beauty, hazel eyes, brown eyes, adequate makeup, tutorials

Requirements: Android OS 2.1 or higher
Downloads: 5
If you're a natural beauty with hazel eyes, bear in mind you can get even more beautiful by applying the adequate makeup for your gorgeous eyes! Watch the amazing videos and tutorials for the perfect makeup for brown eyes, and achieve the dazzling look like that of Rihanna or Jennifer Lopez! Golden brown, smoky brown eye makeup and many other suggestions for your glamorous look - all in this amazing app! - Various videos and tutorials for brown eye makeup! - Celebrity inspired makeup! - Different tips and tricks for applying your ideal makeup for brown eyes! - Makeup products and reviews! Since brown doesn't have an opposite or complementary color on the color wheel, most eye makeup colors will work for women with brown eyes. Follow these simple tips to look your best and enhance your natural beauty. "Brown is the one color that most eye shadow colors work well on, says Beauty Expert Nina Sutton." "The determining factor is usually the depth of the color -- are they almost black, or are they medium brown?" Women with brown eyes can also pull off both black and brown eyeliner (brown works best in the day and black at night). If yours are dark brown, medium to dark shades of shadow will work for you. Try plum, forest green or charcoal gray. Check out the flecks of lighter color and use those hues to select your liner color. "Medium to light brown can try green, violet or bronze colored shadows," says Nina. You truly can wear almost any color of makeup if you have medium brown. A purple or green shadow palette can work equally well for daytime. Experiment by pairing neutral shadow with metallic liner in copper or bronze for evening. Avoid black liner, if you have light brown, and use dark brown or other colors instead. Apply a neutral shade of shadow on the lid, a darker hue of the same color in the crease, then line your eyes in gold or green to reflect the flecks of color in your iris. If they are so light they are hazel, try champagne tones with violet, bronze or brown liner, offers Nina. To make your eyelashes pop, swipe on some dark black mascara and lay it on thick. Then, choose a shadow in the purple or brown family. If youre feeling feisty, try purple shimmering shadow. For your everyday professional look, gold, peach, light tan and light brown are perfect for your peepers. With your locks, you can pull off both lip looks. For any skin tone, try a simple soft nude pink lip color during the day and then transform your look at night with a traffic-stopping orange or red. If youre a dark-eyed, dark-haired and dark-skinned beauty, try a nude in a brown color. While most brown-eyed brunettes can pull off bright shadows, if you have red in your hair, stay clear from cool (as opposed to warm) shades like blues and reds. And, dont forget to match your brow pencil to your specific hairs hue if your hair has been colored. Nothing says, dye-job like eyebrows significantly lighter or darker than your tresses.

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