Some Customers Are Receiving Backorder Emails From Google, Indicating Nexus 4 Will Ship 'Within Three Weeks'

You thought the Nexus Chainsaw Massacre was bad? You don't know the half of it. Today, many users are receiving emails that the Nexus 4s they've ordered from the Play Store are backordered and won't ship out for another three weeks. For those counting, assuming the absolute worst and no additional delays, that will result in phones in brown boxes heading to your door by early December, so if you've got holiday plans for them, don't panic. If, however, you're given to fits of hysteria when you have to wait for things, well, go ahead and panic.


Our own Cameron and Ron have both had their orders delayed and confirm their cards have already been charged. If you already gave Google your money, it looks like they'll be holding on to that, so no worries about a surprise $300+ charge next month. Of course, if yours is delayed as well, you can track the status of your order at the link in the email Google will probably be sending to you soon, if it hasn't already.

Thanks Mike, Tim, and Anthony!

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