Droid Clean Prank

Summary: Let the Android bot wipe out complete phone screens with a vacuum cleaner! When touching the screen, the bot will move to that point and starts cleaning over there. Confuse your friends and family and have fun with the prank.

Updated: Mar 2, 2013
Found in: fool, fun, humour, laugh, prank, entertainment, android, robot

Downloads: 431
Let the Android bot wipe out complete phone screens with a vacuum cleaner! When touching the screen, the bot will move to that point and starts cleaning over there. Confuse your friends and family and have fun with the prank. The prank can be started immediately, when someone touches the screen or after a delay. When you choose the delay time, the pranked one can still use the phone normally until the prank starts! You can hide the ad and lock the back button via the MENU button. Use MENU-Options to configure your prank.

Barcode download

  1. Open your preferred Barcode scanner software
    (Do not have barcode app? Get one here or more on the barcode page).
  2. Point your phone camera at the QR code below and scan it.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the installation.

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