
Summary: SpyTimer (free) will help you become your own financial advisor by providing an estimated target price for the S&P 500 stock market index factoring in economic history and sentiment. Stop paying 1%+ annually to those failing advisors and be a long term financial advisor yourself.

Updated: Jul 2, 2013
Found in: spy timer, android mobile applications development

Requirements: Android OS
Downloads: 11
SpyTimer (free) will help you become your own financial advisor by providing an estimated target price for the S&P; 500 stock market index factoring in economic history and sentiment. Stop paying 1%+ annually to those failing advisors and be a long term financial advisor yourself. Not just another stock quote or portfolio app. SpyTimer evaluates economic data and sentiment to provide you an estimated target S&P; 500 price and the % from the target. You should care about the % from and estimated target versus is the day to day % changes of the market which is of little use without perspective. SpyTimer analyzes economic data and gives you a 6 month S&P; 500 target price and % Upside based on historical stock market trends. This 'value' based target helps you assess your S&P; 500 stock market exposure and stock market Risk. The app helps determine when and how to invest in the S&P; 500. Be your own personal investment advisor using the tax efficient SPY EFT index. Over time it works. Have patience to build your wealth slowly. It is so important for you and your loved ones to take charge of your financial life. SpyTimer gives you: 1) S&P; 500 Stock Market Summary Updates 2) Real time Calculated Upside Potential S&P; 500 Price and % gain relative to current S&P; 500 price 3) Suggested Probability of the Calculated S&P; 500 Upside based on recent economic data and sentiment 4) Realtime value calculation of future 'Estimated PE' given today's S&P500; Price / Future earnings SpyTimer also offers up to date consolidated data for the most pertinent historical and current economic information (PE, GDP, CPI) which impacts S&P500; stock market historical performance. New enhancement coming soon with notifications and widgets!

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  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the installation.

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