Earth 2037-2

Summary: As the upgraded version of "EARTH2037", the game "EARTH2037-2" is a new generation classic mobile game which combines Wars & Strategy.

Updated: Feb 3, 2013
Found in: star war games, 2037, earth 2037, rising sun kindom, hawk horde, human alliance

Requirements: Android OS 2.2 or Higher
Downloads: 0
As the Mayan prophecy predicted, in 2012 there have been ongoing global disasters. Earthquake and tsunami came, lots of Asian countries were flooded. North America were covered by dark smoke because of the volcanic eruption. Countries in the world spare no effort to help themselves. But with the growing disaster and the depletion of natural resources, struggle between the countries appeared frequently. Natural disasters turned into the man-made disasters, negotiations turned into wars. The order of old world collapsed completely and went to the darkest age. In order to make living, human started using unproven technologies crazy that brought the new civilization finally. A brutal war for competing the final survival among Rising Sun Kingdom which built by Variation, Human Alliance which built by traditional people and Hawk Horde which built by super computer boosted out. Earth dying, all civilizations turned to space. Over the years, finally found a planet for immigrants -- Pandora. Galaxy Journey the colonial fleet advance of civilization Logged Pandora. Hundreds of ground base were built just like the stars appeared on the earth. A new page of history were turned, new battles began.

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