Music Mate
Summary: Music Mate lets you search, download and play free music (including high quality mp3 music) from internet with your android device like phone or tablet.
Updated: Feb 1, 2013
Found in: music, mp3, search, download, player, free, downloader, high quality, pop, chart, android, tubemate, freedi, youtube
Downloads: 27781
Music Mate lets you search and play free music (including high quality mp3 music) from internet with your android device like phone or tablet.Updated: Feb 1, 2013
Found in: music, mp3, search, download, player, free, downloader, high quality, pop, chart, android, tubemate, freedi, youtube
Downloads: 27781
[NOTICE] We would not offer the downloader feature until we can solve the issue that the being downloaded music is legal for specific users.
So just focus our facebook ( to wait our new version if you need the download feature.
[[ Popular Music Chart ]]
Tell you the most popular music.
[[ Search Free Music from Internet ]]
Search for your favorite artist, singer, actor, actress, albums and more.
Support voice search (you need to install google voice search application).
[[ Play Online or Offline ]]
Play the music online, or download the music to your phone and watch it offline.
[[ Music Management ]]
Play now / Add to playlist / Delete / Send to a friend.
Ftp transport: You can enable the Ftp service in app's plugin menu so that you can exchange music with it.
[[ Feedback ]]
Please vote us five star if you like our app.
Contact us if you have any problems.
[ key Tags ]
Music, mp3, search, download, player, free, downloader, high quality, pop, chart, android, tubemate, FREEdi, youtube

Barcode download
- Open your preferred Barcode scanner software
(Do not have barcode app? Get one here or more on the barcode page). - Point your phone camera at the QR code below and scan it.
- Follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the installation.
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