Let Me Slim

Summary: Let Me Slim is an application for those of you who want to keep their daily weight records under control. Comparing them against Body Mass Index (BMI) you are immediately informed if you are doing good or bad with your mass. Features: - record your daily weight (and height if still growing up) with a short info when necessary - present your records on a chart with a time range option - manage several profiles for more people records - support for imperial (lbs/in) and metric (kg/cm) units - import and export functions to transfer data between the application and csv file format

Updated: Mar 23, 2013
Found in: health, weight, myweight, slim

Requirements: Android OS
Downloads: 8
Let Me Slim allows you to remember all your weight measurements. At first you have to define a user profile which will require name of the person whose records will be stored, her or his current height, sex and preferred units type. When profile is defined you can start adding your weight values. If you start application and no record was provided that day it will automatically take you to the Single Entry Screen where you can quickly adjust the previously recorded value and save with current date. This automatic mechanism can be turned off in the Settings panel, however used together with button "Save and Close" makes daily recordings quick and simple. Recorded results can be viewed under option View Results as a chart, simple list and weekly list. If you have been recording your weight using different application or by making simple notes, it is possible to import them into Let Me Slim application.There are two options relevant - Export to File and Import from File. It is recommended to enter some data and export it to the file to see what syntax and formatting is expected. Now you can prepare the similar file with your real records and import it. Remember that Import/Export functions work only for currently selected profile. Worth noticing is BMI Table option which lets you see a table based on Body Mass Index with your actual status. Multiple profiles allow other people to keep theirs records on your device. For instance you can keep an eye on your children weight progress.

Barcode download

  1. Open your preferred Barcode scanner software
    (Do not have barcode app? Get one here or more on the barcode page).
  2. Point your phone camera at the QR code below and scan it.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the installation.

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