MovieTube Free Full Movies

Summary: MovieTube is a missing channel on YouTube for Free Full Length Movies.

Updated: Mar 22, 2013
Found in: free movie, youtube movie, full movie

Requirements: Android OS
Downloads: 68
MovieTube is a missing channel on YouTube for Free Full Length Movies. It manages free movies in 14 languages including: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Thai and Malay movies. The app is designed to collect and sort all high quality old/foreign YouTube movies that are authorized to play in one or more countries. Please choose your country name correctly to enjoy thousands of free full length movies.

How it works?

1. Free movies on YouTube are discovered and shared to us by anonymous users.
2. High quality free movies are categorized and added to the movie gallery by our editors.
3. Movies of each language are sorted according to the number of likes it received.
4. User is encouraged to report to YouTube if an unauthorized movie is found, and we remove the link if confirmed.


1. Quality Control: All movies are fresh (20121990) ,hot, free, and in high quality.
2. Simple Interface: Swipe to find a free movie and click to watch.
3. Fast Content Loading Engine: smooth viewing experience.

Support us to build the No.1 Free Movie App.

Barcode download

  1. Open your preferred Barcode scanner software
    (Do not have barcode app? Get one here or more on the barcode page).
  2. Point your phone camera at the QR code below and scan it.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the installation.

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